



Text files

Video files

Audio files



Articles published in Fibromiàlgia bulletin (in spanish / catalan) :

- La fibromiàlgia relacionada amb el sistema nerviós central
- Fibromialgia, sexualidad y pareja
- Resolució 1648/VI del Parlament de Catalunya sobre causes, diagnòstic i tractament de la FM
- La RM demuestra que los sujetos con fibromialgia sienten dolor
- Psicologia: Quan l'avui no existeix
- Premi "Ramon de Teserach" - 2006
- Psicologia: Conviure amb la fibromiàlgia
- Federació Catalana per a la Fibromiàlgia i la Síndrome de Fatiga Crònica. Manifest Unitari per al reconeixement, diagnòstic i atenció mèdica als malalts afectats de FM i/o SFC-2006
- Resolució 203/VIII del Parlament de Catalunya, sobre l'atenció a la fibromiàlgia i la síndrome de fatiga crònica.
- Psicologia: L'actitud davant del dolor


Other articles and documents (in spanish / catalan):

- Catalunya entoma la fibromiàlgia. (article de Lali Sandiumenge publicat a la revista Activitat Parlamentària, núm. 16, setembre 2008; ed: Generalitat de Catalunya).

- Recomendaciones generales para personas con sensibilidad química múltiple. (Ed: Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, desembre 2008).

- Sensibilidad Química Múltiple - Documento de Consenso. (Ed: Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad, novembre de 2011).

- Manual de Bones Pràctiques per a la Sensibilitat Química Múltiple. (Ed: Ajuntament de Lleida, abril 2015).

- Pla operatiu d'atenció a les persones afectades per les síndromes de sensibilització central: fibromiàlgia, síndrome de fatiga crònica i síndrome de sensibilitat química múltiple. (Ed: Departament de Salut. Generalitat de Catalunya. 2nd Ed. May 2017).

- Pla operatiu d'atenció a les persones afectades per les síndromes de sensibilització central: fibromiàlgia, síndrome de fatiga crònica i síndrome de sensibilitat química múltiple. Implementación territorial (Departament de Salut. Generalitat de Catalunya. May 2017).

- Instrucció 8/2017 del CatSalut sobre l'atenció de les SSC d'acord amb el Pla Operatiu per a l'Atenció de les Persones Afectades de SSC. (Ed: Departament de Salut. Generalitat de Catalunya, July 2017).

- Mejora de la Atención a las Personas con Sensibilidad Química Múltiple. (Ed: Servicio Andaluz de Salud. Consejería de Salud, revision October 2017).

- Protocolo de Sensibilidad Química Múltiple en las Unidades de Urgencias hospitalarias. (Ed: Consejería de Sanidad. Comunidad de Madrid, March 2018).

- Programa de suport per a persones afectades de Síndromes de Sensibilització Central i als seus familiars 2018-2021. (Ed: Ajuntament de Barcelona. Barcelona, June 2018).

- Institutional Declaration of the Spanish Congress of Deputies on the occasion of the World Day of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME at the proposal of the Plataforma FAMILIARS FM-SFC-SQM and the ACAF. (Spanish Parliament. Madrid, May 2020). In spanish.

- Institutional Declaration of the Parliament of Catalonia on the occasion of the World Day of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME at the proposal of the Platform FAMILIARS FM-SFC-SQM and the ACAF. (Parlament de Catalunya, Barcelona, June 2020). In catalan.

- Declaration of the Board of Speakers of the Parliament of Catalonia on the occasion of the World Day of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME at the proposal of the Platform FAMILIARS FM-SFC-SQM and the ACAF. (Parlament de Catalunya, Barcelona, May 2022). In catalan.

- Institutional Declaration of the Spanish Congress of Deputies on the occasion of the World Day of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME at the proposal of the Plataforma FAMILIARS FM-SFC-SQM and the ACAF. (Spanish Parliament. Madrid, May 2022). In spanish.

- Epidemiology of the SSC in Catalonia. Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome. (Agency for Health Quality and Assessment of Catalonia (AQuAS) - Health Departament. Generalitat de Catalunya, July 2023). In catalan.

- Guide: El autocuidado en las personas con dolor. (Canal Estrategia Editorial SL. November 2023). In spanish.


Other articles and documents (in english):

- Recommendations of good clinical practice in hospital emergency departments for the attention of people affected by Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS). (Document elaborated in agreement with the Societat Catalana de Medicina d'Urgències i Emergències. Group-work on multiple-chemical sensitivity. Ed: Servei Català de la Salut - Generalitat de Catalunya. July 2010)


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Report: La enfermedad invisible (The invisible disease)
Report of the Radiotelevisión Española programme Informe Semanal (Weekly Report)
about fibromyalgia broadcasted on 11 November 2023.
Source: Informe Semanal - Youtube



Declaration of the Catalan Parliament on the occasion of
Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME Awareness Day (May 12th 2022)
- in catalan -

Reading of the Statement by the Board of Spokespersons of the Catalan Parliament on the occasion of
Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / ME Awareness Day,
on the proposal of the Plataforma FAMILIARS FM-SFC-SQM and the ACAF.
Source: Parlament de Catalunya- Youtube


Declaración Institucional del Congreso de los Diputados con motivo del
Día Mundial de la Fibromialgia y el Síndrome de Fatiga Crónica (12 de Mayo de 2022)

Lectura de la Declaración Institucional del Congreso de los Diputados de España
con motivo del Día Mundial de la Fibromialgia y el Síndrome de Fatiga Crónica / EM,
a propuesta de la Plataforma FAMILIARS FM-SFC-SQM y de la ACAF.
Fuente: Congreso de los Diputados - Youtube


Institutional Declaration of the Spanish Parliament on the occasion of
Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME Awareness Day (May 12th 2022)
- in spanish -

Reading of the Institutional Declaration of the Spanish Parliament on the occasion of
Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / ME Awareness Day,
on the proposal of the Plataforma FAMILIARS FM-SFC-SQM and the ACAF.
Source: Congreso de los Diputados - Youtube



Institutional Declaration of the Spanish Parliament on the occasion of
Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME Awareness Day (May 2020)
- in spanish -

Reading of the Institutional Declaration of the Spanish Parliament on the occasion of
Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / ME Awareness Day,
on the proposal of the Plataforma FAMILIARS FM-SFC-SQM and the ACAF.
Source: Congreso de los Diputados - Youtube



Video commemorating the Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME,
and other Central Sensitization Syndromes (MCS-EHS) Awareness Day
in a state of confinement due to CoViD-19 (May 2020)

- in catalán -

Created by Núria Montagut, psychologist and coordinator of ACAF - Garraf
Source: ACAF - Youtube



Central Sensitization Syndromes (CSS). (May 2017) -in catalan-
Advertisement of the information campaign on central sensitization syndromes
(fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis, multiple chemical sensitivity)
and on the Operational Plan for their care, carried out by the Ministry of Health
of the Generalitat of Catalonia with the collaboration of patients associations.

Source: Health Department of the Generalitat of Catalonia - Youtube



Entén-les. Comprèn-les. (Understand them. Get to know them)
(May 2015) -in catalan-
Advertisement of social awareness campaign for people affected by fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, published by the Health Department of the Generalitat of Catalonia in collaboration with
Plataforma Familiars FM-SFC and ACAF.
Choreography and interpretation by Les Filles Föllen.
Source: Health Department of the Generalitat of Catalonia - Youtube

El dolor - La fatiga (Pain - Fatigue)
El que em fa més mal és que no ho vegis (What hurts me most is you not seeing it)
Entén-les. Comprèn-les (Understand them. Get to know them)



Grup d'ajuda mútua adreçat a persones amb fibromiàlgia - in catalan -
(May 2016)
Vídeo made by Canal Blau from Vilanova i la Geltrú on the occasion of FM-CFS Awareness Day,
introducing the support group for people affected by these diseases
Source: Canal Blau - Youtube


Convivint amb el dolor - La fibromiàlgia - in spanish and catalan -
(March 2016)
Video made by Carles Ribas and Carles Pastor from Palamós Comunicació (Palamós City) to celebrate the 15th anniversary of ACAF's Territorial activities Center in Baix Empordà.
Source: Vimeo



Conference: "Acupuncture in Central Sensitization Syndromes :
Fibromyalgia - CFS - MCS " - in catalan -
(November 2015)
Conference by Dr. Albert Garcia i Janeras, acupuncturist doctor and President of the Medical Acupuncture Section of the Medical Association of Barcelona. (Centre Cívic Urgell. Barcelona)
Source: Centre Cívic Urgell - Youtube



#IMHEART Project - Sport challenges in support of FM, CFS and MCS
(December 2014)
Due to the celebration of the IronMan sporting event in Barcelona, a group of young athletes, some of them children of affected persons, they proposed a dual challenge: to end the event and also to publicize these "invisible"diseases that currently affects between 2% and 6% of the population and for which there is no current effective treatment. The analogy is simple but effective: Imagine how you feel the day after running a marathon; This is the daily struggle of a patient of Fibromyalgia / CFS to go to work, go get the kids to school or just to get out of bed.
Source: #IMHEART - Youtube



Suffer in silence: fibromyalgia -in catalan-
(September 2009)

Report on fibromyalgia, created by with the support of the City of Sant Cugat del Vallès, interviews with members of ACAF - Sant Cugat territorial activities center.
Source: and City of Sant Cugat del Vallès




Fibromyalgia and CFS/ME at the Catalan Parliament -in catalan-
(May 21st 2008)

The Parliament of Catalonia approves Resolution 203/VIII about the care of Fibromyalgia
and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME in Catalonia.
Sick people got recognized their effort to collect 140.000 signatures
Source: Parliament Channel



Fibromyalgia: Pain of silence - Documentos TV -in spanish-
(May 2008)

Documentary about Fibromyalgia issued on 13 May 2008
in the program Documentos TV - Spanish National Television
Source: RTVE - Documentos TV



Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: invisible illness -in catalan-
(April 2008)

La Vanguardia report, interviews with members of the ACAF territorial activities center
in Sants-Montjuïc in Barcelona
Source: La Vanguardia - Youtube



Conference: The SFC and its relation with MCS -in spanish-
(October 2007)

Conference of Dr. Joaquim Fernandez Sola on "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and its relation
with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity" Euskalduna Palace (Bilbao)
Source: - Vimeo



Missing my life
(February 2007)

TV ad from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
of the US Department of Health about the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
Source: CDC / US Department of Health - Youtube



Conference: Medical Aspects of Fibromyalgia -in spanish-
(February 2007)

Presentation of the "Meeting of people with fibromyalgia with the defender of the rights
of the disabled guests in Extremadura" by Dr. Maria José González. Olivenza 9 and 10 February 2007
Source: congresopermanente - Youtube









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